Please find an attached soundbite by Michele Clarke MP.
810 days later, lockdown is finally over. The DA welcomes the scrapping of all remaining Covid-19 regulations, including mask wearing, entry requirements and limits on social gatherings that were gazetted last night.
The DA has been calling for the lifting of these regulations for some time now. More than three months ago, we pointed out that the only state of disaster that the country was in at the time, was the self-imposed state caused by ongoing and irrational restrictions.
For months now, Covid-19 has not been a threat. Yet, South Africa remained one of the few countries in the world where unscientific restrictions were kept in place, to the detriment of the economy and people’s physical and emotional well-being.
We now call on the Minister of Health, Dr Joe Phaahla, to repeal the draft regulations relating to forced vaccinations and forced quarantines that are still up for public comment until 5 August 2022.