Please find attached English and Afrikaans soundbites by Cilliers Brink MP.
Following an extension granted by the Pretoria High Court, the date for the Commission of Inquiry into State Capture to hand over the final part of its report to President Cyril Ramaphosa was 15 June. This date has now come and gone without any report being released to the public.
Presidency spokesperson, Vincent Magwenya, has claimed that the President has not yet received the Zondo Commission report. Furthermore, the commission secretariat has not provided a time and date for the delivery of the report.
As a result, the country remains in limbo as to when the final report will be released. The DA will be writing to the Commission to request that the reasons for the delay be shared with the public.
But our primary concern is that if the report has been completed, it must be released to the public without any further delay. The South African public has waited long enough to know the full details of what transpired during the State capture era.
Parliament and law enforcement agencies have urgent work to do in response to findings of the Zondo Commission, and the delay in the court mandated deadline for the release of its final report threatens to undermine this entire project.