Note to Editors: Please find attached soundbite by Dr Leon Schreiber MP.
The DA can today announce that we have received court dates for both of our ongoing cases against ANC cadre deployment corruption. We also welcome today’s announcement by civil rights organisation Afriforum that it will support the DA’s longstanding campaign against cadre deployment as a friend of the court.
The DA’s first case against the ANC, which seeks to expose all minutes and records of the ANC’s national cadre deployment committee dating back to 2013, when President Cyril Ramaphosa became its chairperson, will be heard by the Gauteng High Court in Johannesburg on 3 October 2022. This will be followed by our second case, which seeks to entirely abolish cadre deployment by declaring this corrupt practice unconstitutional and illegal. This second case will be heard by the High Court in Pretoria on 23 and 24 January 2023, and it is this case that Afriforum has chosen to support as a friend of the court.
The DA has led a longstanding war against cadre deployment that we have significantly intensified over the past three years. We have achieved numerous breakthroughs against cadre deployment since 2019, including by exposing the minutes of the ANC’s national cadre deployment committee, supporting the State Capture Commission in investigating cadre deployment as the foundation of state capture, introducing an End Cadre Deployment Bill in Parliament and taking the ANC to court in two separate cases. It is therefore pleasing to note that an increasing number of civil society organisations, commentators and opinion-formers from across the political spectrum are uniting behind the DA’s quest to abolish this evil practice, which has robbed the public sector of capacity and lies at the root of state capture and corruption.
A range of society groups, including the Institute for Race Relations and the Institute for Global Dialogue recently supported the DA’s End Cadre Deployment Bill in Parliament, and we have now managed to secure additional civil society support for our second court case against the ANC as well. This is part of the DA’s whole-of-society approach. We thank these civil society groups for their support of our work and we remain deeply committed to continue leading this united front against ANC cadre deployment corruption.