NHI will aggravate exodus of medical professionals

Issued by Michele Clarke MP – DA Shadow Minister of Health
02 Sep 2022 in News

Given the ANC government’s horrendous mismanagement of the fiscus and their general disregard for truly addressing the needs of South Africans, the proposed National Health Insurance (NHI) is a recipe for disaster. It will accelerate the health care professional exodus and exacerbate the decline of the public health care system.

The DA has continually highlighted the plight of medical professionals in South Africa and the overwhelming odds they face daily. Doctors and nurses lack support from the Department of Health (DoH) and the exodus of medical personnel from the country comes as no surprise.

Various parliamentary questions from the DA revealed staggering shortages in the public health care system – a problem that compounds every year without necessary intervention from the DoH to address staffing shortages, training, registration, infrastructure maintenance and medicine and equipment shortages.

The ANC government has promised quality health care for 28 years, yet the patients, doctors and nurses continues to suffer due to crumbling infrastructure and incompetence. The NHI is just another opportunity for mismanagement at best and looting at worst. The DA will continue to fight this Bill tooth and claw.