DA Debate Speeches: Thursday 10 November

Issued by DA Media –
10 Nov 2022 in Speeches

The speeches were delivered during mini-plenaries in the National Assembly on Thursday, 10 November.


Just energy transition in SA

Kevin Mileham MPIt’s time for South Africans to face reality

Cheryl Phillips MPA Just Energy Transition must not become another phrase

Ghaleb Cachalia MPA Just Energy Transition is an ambitious project

The state of coalitions in local government

Siviwe Gwarube MPLegislation needed to stabilise coalitions in SA

Cilliers Brink MPHow to protect coalition governments against sabotage 

Solly Malatsi MPDA-led coalitions survive despite ANC’s desperate power grabs


Building a culture of accountability and responsibility

Alf Lees MPScopa failure to hold executive accountable

Eleanore Bouw-Spies MPRunning a municipality is not Rocket Science!

Zakhele Mbhele MPSouth Africa needs a dedicated Presidency Portfolio Committee 

Prevalence of corruption, poor management and incompetence in public healthcare

Michele Clarke MPNo accountability in the Department of Health

Haseena Ismail MPThe impact of corruption, poor management and incompetence in public healthcare violate the Constitutional right to healthcare 

Lindy Wilson MPDeath by medico legal claims