Uncaring ANC pushing South Africans deeper into the dark

Issued by Kevin Mileham MP – DA Shadow Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy
13 Jan 2023 in News

Note to editors: Please find attached soundbite by Kevin Mileham MP.

President Ramaphosa admitting that there is nothing that he can do about the national electricity crisis is telling of an incompetent and uncaring government.

The already high cost of living coupled with unemployment and now Eskom’s electricity tariff increase of 18.65% on the back of the ongoing stage 6 loadshedding are all indicators of a failed state.

The reality is that South Africans are fed up having to go sleep and wake up without a critical commodity which they pay a hefty price for.

Ramaphosa’s silence in addressing the nation on this power crisis since the DA called for his return when stage 6 was announced last year is deafening.

Loadshedding has gotten worse under Ramaphosa’s leadership, it is time for South Africans to hold him accountable. It should be impossible so far in our democracy for people to have to choose between buying food or electricity, which they don’t receive.

South Africans must stand up against this corrupt government who has plunged our households, economy and businesses into darkness. The government’s ineffectiveness should be met with outrage. Join us to stand up and take our power back.

The DA calls on Ramaphosa to fire Gwede Mantashe and Pravin Gordhan.               

The DA will do everything possible, from possible legal challenges to taking to the streets to fight this injustice.