DA SONA Debate 2023 Speeches – Day 1

Issued by DA Media –
14 Feb 2023 in News

The following speeches were delivered in Parliament during the debate on the State of the Nation Address.

John Steenhuisen MP- South Africa will cross the Rubicon without Cyril Ramaphosa

Leader of the Democratic Alliance

Cilliers Brink MP- A national state of disaster will deepen SA’s electricity crisis

DA Shadow Minister of Cooperative Government and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA)

Bridget Masango MP- South Africans need hand-ups not hand-outs

DA Shadow Minister of Social Development

Alan Winde

Premier of the Western Cape

Dr Leon Schreiber MP- The DA is winning the war against ANC cadre deployment corruption 

DA Shadow Minister for Public Service and Administration

Sello Seitlholo MP- No hope for Youth and Businesses

DA Member on the Portfolio Committee on Transport

Solly Malatsi MP- The Great Betrayal of our Rainbow Nation

DA National Spokesperson