The DA has taken a significant step towards enhancing democratic processes and improving service delivery by submitting the Electoral Commission Amendment Bill, 2023 to the Speaker of the National Assembly on 14 June 2023.
This crucial legislation aims to address longstanding shortcomings in the constitutional powers granted to Premiers and the lack of corresponding national legislation.
For over 20 years, the ANC has neglected its responsibility to enact the necessary legislation enabling Premiers to exercise their constitutional authority to call referendums in their respective provinces. The DA’s Bill seeks to rectify this oversight and align national legislation with the constitutional provisions.
Furthermore, the Bill serves as a catalyst for the Western Cape Provincial Powers Bill, an initiative of the Western Cape Provincial Government. Recognising that the national government has often failed to act in the best interests of Western Cape residents, the Western Cape Parliament and Executive have decided to assert their provincial powers within the bounds of constitutional competence. By identifying areas where devolution of powers is necessary, the Western Cape aims to provide its residents with efficient and effective services.
The Electoral Commission Amendment Bill will not only empower the Western Cape but also grant provinces across South Africa the ability to determine the will of their residents. This includes transferring powers such as policing or rail service management to lower levels of government where they can be better administered and maintained for the benefit of the local population. This legislation stands in stark contrast to the ANC’s practice of appointing well-connected individuals to lucrative senior management positions, resulting in mismanagement and the squandering of public funds.
The DA encourages all citizens to review the Bill, which can be accessed here, and share their comments and feedback with us via We believe that it is time for residents throughout South Africa to have a voice and exercise their rights as enshrined in the constitution.
The ANC’s consistent failure to deliver efficient services or manage state-owned entities has left citizens disillusioned and frustrated. We are committed to empowering provinces, ensuring effective governance, and placing the interests of the people at the forefront of our agenda.
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