The City’s teams are attending to a number of electricity service requests triggered by weather, load-shedding and secondary tripping. The City apologises for any inconvenience caused as teams are working to restore the power in the affected areas and to attend to service requests in the fastest time possible. Read more below:

Impact based weather warnings have been issued for the week and the expected inclement weather will likely have an impact on electricity infrastructure outages resulting in an increase of service requests. The City reminds residents to only use one reporting channel when reporting faults to the City so that delays in attending to duplicate service requests are avoided as far as possible.
‘City teams are attending to faults in areas such as Valhalla Park, Kosovo, Hanover Park, Samora Machel, Heideveld. These faults are due to damage to poles, damage from secondary tripping, and infrastructure vandalism under the cover of load-shedding darkness. Teams are attending to all faults urgently and the estimated time of restoration is not possible. Over the past weekend, the teams attended to a number of unplanned outages in the metro.
Help reduce secondary tripping
‘Residents are reminded that they can reduce the risk of nuisance tripping by switching off major and non-essential appliances prior to load-shedding. Nuisance tripping typically happens when the electricity does not come back on or switches off shortly after supply has been returned to an area. This is because the system gets overloaded and trips when all electrical demand or appliances come back on at the same time,’ said Mayoral Committee Member for Energy, Councillor Beverley van Reenen.
For service requests (please only log on one channel and do not log the same request multiple times):
Call Centre: 0860 103 089
SMS: 31220 (Please note the free SMS service does not apply)
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