Residents encouraged to help draft local neighbourhood plan for Blaauwberg Road Corridor

06 Jul 2023 in Where We Govern

The City of Cape Town is busy preparing a local spatial development framework (LSDF) for the Blaauwberg Road Corridor in Table View. Blaauwberg Road is an important transport route, covering a distance of approximately 5km from Marine Circle in the west to the intersection with Koeberg Road in the east. The corridor is underdeveloped in scale and potential, and offers an opportunity for urban regeneration. Residents, business owners, and interested and affected parties are encouraged to participate in the review of the existing Blaauwberg Road Growth Management Strategy of 1998 with the intention of drafting an LSDF to address the current and future spatial development needs. Read more below:

The City wants to collaborate with residents and interested and affected parties in the drafting of the local spatial development framework, or neighbourhood plan, for the Blaauwberg Road Corridor in Table View, as indicated in the map. Residents are encouraged to register to be part of the process.

A local spatial development framework, or LSDF, is an important plan as it determines the development vision for an area on a local level. The City uses the LSDF for guidance when making decisions about development applications and land uses; and in the end, these decisions very much determine what a neighbourhood will look and feel like, a few years down the line.

‘Our point of departure is the 1998 Blaauwberg Road Growth Management Strategy. More than 25 years ago already, the strategy proposed that we should combine the mobility function of this major east-west arterial route with higher density mixed use development along the Blaauwberg Road axis in order to fulfil the corridor’s future potential. Unfortunately, very little of this vision materialised.

‘We are now calling on our local residents from the area to get involved as we are mapping the way forward. First off, we want to review the strategy to see what has worked and why certain aspects of the vision have failed. Then the collaboration with residents will enter the next phase where we will formulate a future spatial vision for this corridor to guide public and private developments. This LSDF must promote partnerships and solutions to strengthen the local economy, and promote and protect the area as a quality tourist destination at the Marine Circle end in particular,’ said the City’s Deputy Mayor and Mayoral Committee Member for Spatial Planning and Environment, Alderman Eddie Andrews.

For more information, and how to register to be part of the process:

The City will present the LSDF-initiative, its intention and purposes, to residents at public engagement sessions in August and September 2023 where attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions, and submit proposals.

Some salient points from the Blaauwberg Road Growth Management Strategy of 1998:

  • Identified three distinct sections along Blaauwberg Road – Marine Circle to the West Coast Road (R27); West Coast Road to the Diep River Bridge and the Diep River Bridge to Koeberg Road. Properties abutting Blaauwberg Road should be permitted to be rezoned to General Business to allow mixed use developments from shopping, to working, community, educational and recreation
  • Redevelop, upgrade, and extend Flamingo Square
  • Blaauwberg Road links commuters, goods and services with the N7, Koeberg Road, and Marine Drive; it should enable mobility and activity, and effectively integrate land use to create a vibrant and efficient urban corridor
  • Properties in the residential area between Raatz Drive and Flamingo Square should be permitted to rezone from Single Residential to General Residential
  • The public realm – such as streets and squares – should be used to create meaningful places for pedestrians and commuters
  • Buildings along the corridor should interface and relate to the public squares and streets
  • Mixed-use development should be encouraged, with mandatory setback conditions and varying building heights
  • Marine Circle defines the most significant edge of Blaauwberg Road, in particular as a tourist destination with views on the mountain and the bay and has immense development potential for residential and commercial uses, and meaningful public spaces

‘The local residents, land owners and businesses have a wealth of knowledge and experience that will be extremely useful as we review the strategy, and start drafting the LSDF for this corridor. I encourage residents to register to become part of the process. We value your input and contributions,’ said Alderman Andrews.

Once approved, the LSDF for the Blaauwberg Road Corridor will elaborate on and support the spatial development guidelines as set out in the Blaauwberg District Spatial Development Framework, which is a higher order spatial plan for the area. 


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