Note to editors: Please find attached English and Afrikaans soundbites by David van Vuuren MPL.
In a span of less than a single financial year, the recently elected Democratic Alliance (DA) led government in Fezile Dabi District Municipality has achieved significant improvements in its audit outcomes. The DA-led council has effectively demonstrated that the once seemingly unattainable goal of implementing robust financial management is, in fact, feasible.
This council has accomplished the following milestones:
- Successfully cleared unauthorized expenditure from R 9,899,855 in the 2021/22 financial year to Zero Rand in 2022/23, marking a remarkable 100% improvement.
- Drastically decreased irregular expenses from R 14,298,487 in 2021/22 to R 4,344,691 in 2022/23, reflecting a commendable 69.61% improvement.
- Significantly slashed fruitless and wasteful expenses from R 4,031,882 in 2021/22 to R 14,712 in 2022/23, showcasing an impressive 99.64% improvement.
- Successfully reduced deviations from R 6,888,512 in 2021/22 to R 2,409,418 in 2022/23, registering a substantial 65.02% improvement.
Although these improvements are not yet at an optimal level, they underscore the potential of efficient and targeted financial management in the short term. By appointing a Municipal Manager who comprehends the significance of sound financial management and remains committed to holding officials under their jurisdiction accountable for audit outcomes, the DA-led council has achieved noteworthy progress. Additionally, 28 irregularly appointed and underperforming officials have been suspended.
DA Speaker, Sidney Pittaway, ensures a consistent and effective functioning of the Municipal Public Accounts Committee, Chaired by Cllr April Motaung, ensuring that the executive committee and officials are held answerable for the applied management practices. This committee plays a pivotal role in enhancing accountability and transparency in the municipality.
The DA-led government’s ultimate aim is to streamline the current high salary expenditure, which accounts for 73% of the operational budget, to 60% in the next adjustment budget in December, and further reduce it to 50% by the end of the financial year.
This significant leap in improvement serves as a testament to the DA’s ability to make swift and substantial changes given the opportunity. Such transformations can be replicated in numerous small towns if voters exercise their democratic right to reject corruption and inefficiency, and instead opt for accountability, competence, and sound financial governance.
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