Note to editors: Please find attached soundbite by Solly Malatsi MP
The Democratic Alliance (DA) is taking decisive action to address the ANC government’s failure to meet the deadline for amending the outdated Drug-Free Sport Act to comply with the latest World Anti-Doping Code (WADA).
In a letter addressed to the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), the DA formally communicates its concerns regarding the continued non-compliance of the National Anti-Doping Organizations of South Africa with the latest World Anti-Doping Code, which came into effect in January 2021. This persistent non-compliance raises serious questions about South Africa’s commitment to clean and ethical sporting practices.
The DA Member of Parliament, Denis Joseph, has been proactive in highlighting this issue, warning the ANC government about the revised World Anti-Doping Code in a written question to the minister in 2022 and reiterating the concern in the 2023 budget vote speeches. It is disappointing that the government has failed to take the necessary steps to address this critical issue, leaving South African athletes and sporting organizations at a disadvantage on the international stage.
As a responsible opposition party, the DA will take matters into its own hands. We are committed to ensuring compliance with WADA requirements and maintaining the integrity of South African sports. To this end, the DA will introduce its own legislation in Parliament to align South Africa with the latest WADA Code.
To facilitate the legislative process and ensure that South Africa meets its international obligations, the DA’s letter we have requested for an extension of time from WADA to comply with the requirement of implementing the Code in national legislation. We believe that this extension is necessary to avoid further harm to our nation’s sporting reputation and to provide sufficient time for the legislative process.
As the official opposition in Parliament, the DA is committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity in sports and ensuring that South Africa complies with international anti-doping standards.
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