Note to Editors: Please find attached a soundbite by Dean Macpherson MP.
The Democratic Alliance in Parliament welcomes yesterday’s announcement by ANC Secretary General, Fikile Mbalula, that he will encourage President Ramaphosa not to sign the Copyright Amendment and Performers’ Protection Amendment Bills.
Mr. Mbalula’s support for the DA’s position in Parliament on these Bills has been a long time coming and it is refreshing to see.
For 7 long years, the DA has warned about the dangers of these Bills and how they in fact undermine performers and creators’ ability to protect their works and generate revenue from them. For too long, ANC MPs steamrolled these Bills through Parliament, seemingly under the instruction of the previous and current Secretary Generals of the ANC, ignoring all advice from the DA and industry experts.
The DA also somewhat sympathises with ANC MPs in the Portfolio Committee in Trade, Industry and Competition, as well as MPs in Parliament that have religiously voted and spoken in support of these Bills, who now have to explain to the public that they are in fact in opposition to these bills after all. But that is their circle to square.
The upcoming 7th Parliament provides a perfect opportunity for MPs across the political divide to put a new legislation on the table that will finally safeguard both content creators and producers, as well as providing a legislative framework for companies to invest in our talented artists and performers.