DA National Final Rally: Accreditation arrangements

Issued by DA Media –
24 May 2024 in News

Accreditation for the DA’s National Final Rally closes at 5pm tomorrow, Thursday 23 May. This is a reminder for all media who want to attend this event, to accredit by filling in the online form.

Media who are already accredited will receive an invitation later today to join the WhatsApp group where important information on Sunday’s rally will be shared on an ongoing basis.

The media can collect their accreditation at the rally on Sunday or beforehand as follow:

Friday 24 May

Time: 9am to 4pm

Place: Nkululeko House, 21 Ernest Oppenheimer Avenue

Time: 10am to 4pm

Place: Willowmoore Stadium, 101 Harpur Ave, Benoni

On Sunday 26 May media accreditation can be collected at the accreditation table at Willowmoore Stadium.

Thousands of supporters have already pledged their attendance to fill the Willowmoore Stadium on Sunday where the gates open at 10am. South Africans can look forward to live performances by Big Zulu, South Africa’s iconic band The Parlotones, Lloyd Cele, Oscar Mbo, Sunset Sweatshop, and Afrikaans favourite Ricus Nel. This is an event you don’t want to miss.

Below is an outline of the day’s programme for planning purposes:

10h00 – Gates open, supporters begin to arrive

11h00 – DA musical renditions

12h00 – Live musical performances, by big name artists

13h00 – Live television broadcast begins

13h05 – The DA Campaign Anthem, “Rescue South Africa” by Lloyd Cele

13h30 – Political addresses

14h00 – Keynote speech by DA Federal Leader, John Steenhuisen

14h30 – The National Anthem

14h35 – Play-out live musical performances, by big name artists