Note to editors: Please find attached soundbite by Michele Clarke MP
The DA notes the signing of the second Presidential Health Compact by Acting President Paul Mashatile and the Ministers of Health and Science and Innovation, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi and Dr Blade Nzimande, as well as primarily by entities linked to the Department of Health and labour unions – the exception being the Independent Community Pharmacy Association, representing business.
The DA commends the fact that Business Unity South Africa (BUSA) and the South African Health Professionals Collaboration (SAHPC), including the South African Medical Association (SAMA), stood on principle and refused to sign the Health Compact which uses the destructive National Health Insurance (NHI) Act as its basis.
In his speech the Acting President stated that the private sector has a crucial role to play in health care, yet government treats consultation with the sector as nothing more than a box-ticking exercise.
The fact that the Health Compact was signed despite widespread concerns and without proper engagement from the President about these concerns mimics the public participation charade in Parliament before the NHI Act was signed.
The second Health Compact undermines the good-will and collaboration between government and various stakeholders, including health professionals, the business community, and labour unions to improve South Africa’s health sector the first Compact engendered.
The DA maintains that the Health Compact signed today is nothing more than a blatant attempt to coerce and feign support for the NHI Act.