City hands over homes at Gugulethu infill project

29 Aug 2022 in Where We Govern

Today, 29 August 2022, Mayoral Committee Member for Human Settlements, Councillor Malusi Booi handed over homes to 23 beneficiaries at the Erf 8448 portion of the City’s Gugulethu infill housing project. The project stretches over two sites, Erf 8448 in Gugulethu and Mau Mau in Nyanga.

‘Erf 8448 will provide 570 homes to qualifying beneficiaries and the total cost of this portion of the project is R105 million. This project is making good progress and we are doing all we can to ensure the project is protected so that the remaining beneficiaries can move into their homes as soon as possible. Security and the threat of unlawful occupations are two major challenges on Erf 8448. In order to address these concerns, the City has appointed additional security.

‘The Mau Mau housing project which makes up the second portion of the Gugulethu infill project is also making steady progress and will provide 434 homes to beneficiaries. The entire project will provide 1004 units to beneficiaries.  The City thanks the officials and contractors for the progress being made and for making this handover possible. The Gugulethu infill housing project will be completed by September 2023 if all goes according to plan and we will continue to hand over homes to beneficiaries over the coming months,’ said Councillor Booi.

Beneficiaries of all City housing projects are selected in accordance with the City’s Housing Allocation Policy and the City’s Housing Needs Register to ensure that housing opportunities are made available in a fair and transparent manner that prevents queue jumping and to those who qualify for housing as per the South African legislation.