Please find attached a soundbite by Dean Macpherson MP, DA Shadow Minister of Trade and Industry.
The Democratic Alliance (DA) rejects with contempt Governments disgraceful tweet which has advised South Africa that the ban on alcohol and tobacco will remain in place “throughout the lockdown”.
This indefinite ban could last weeks or even into 2021.
What the government has done today is pull the middle finger to every person who works in the tobacco and alcohol industry, more so to all those restaurant owners, chefs and waiters who have been protesting today against the ongoing alcohol ban.
With his government’s actions today, we now know that President Ramaphosa is nothing more than a spectator to the ideological whims of Minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma.
The announcement today is a complete departure from Government’s own risk adjusted approach which allows for the sale of tobacco and alcohol.
These bans on tobacco and alcohol are nothing other than a red herring for government’s failure to increase hospital bed capacity in over 100 days over lockdown and tens of thousands of people across South Africa are paying for this failure with their jobs.
The truth is, for as long as President Cyril Ramaphosa and his cabinet ministers have a job, millions of people will not have one.
The Government has long abandoned any sense of rationale or moral authority during the Covid-19 pandemic. Today is another reminder of their total disregard for people’s livelihoods while ANC politics trump what is best for South Africans so desperate to get on with their lives and provide an income for their families.
Click here to contribute to the DA’s legal action challenging irrational and dangerous elements of the hard lockdown in court