Please find an attached soundbite by Adv Glynnis Breytenbach MP
Today, the Official Opposition (DA), has launched its “Zondo Dashboard” in response to the release of the State Capture Commission Reports. Chief Justice Raymond Zondo has released four parts to his State Capture Reports which outline damning evidence against many high-level ANC members, Government officials, their families, and their friends.
In the first three parts of the reports alone, 1438 people have been implicated in State Capture, fraud, or corruption.
The Zondo Dashboard can be found at and its purpose is to:
- Name and shame all high-level ANC and government officials implicated in state capture.
- State what each person or entity has been accused of.
- State what recommendations have been made by the Commission for each person or entity; and
- Provide real time updates on what action, or inaction, has been taken by both the police and NPA against these individuals or entities so far.
We will be providing weekly updates to the Zondo Dashboard so that all South Africans, can have real time information on any progress (or lack thereof) the NPA and police have made against each person or entity implicated in these reports.
The State Capture Commission was officially created on 23 January 2018, and it took more than 4 years for the Commission to finally complete its work. This came at an approximate cost of R1 billion, with 1438 people being implicated in State Capture. When President Ramaphosa was elected as ANC leader in 2017, he stated that:
“Corruption must be fought with the same intensity and purpose that we fight poverty, unemployment and inequality” and that “we must also act fearlessly against alleged corruption and abuse of office within our ranks.”
In the almost 5 years since his first speech as ANC leader, we have failed to see any material action taken against those within the ANC who were involved in State Capture or corruption. The South African public deserve to see a transparent and open process unfold against these implicated ANC officials. If the ANC will not play open cards with the South African public, the DA will!
That is why, together with the Zondo Dashboard, the DA will be writing to the Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services to request that the NPA is brought before it to account for its lack of prosecutions to date. We will also be providing the NPA with a list of high-level implicated officials highlighted on our Zondo Dashboard. Some these figures include, Gwede Mantashe, Cedric Frolick, Brian Molefe, Malusi Gigaba and Nomvula Mokonyane.
This kind of oversight is the very least the people of South Africa deserve. If the ANC will not reset their moral compass and do the right thing, which they have shown repeatedly they will not do, then the DA will name and shame them until action is taken.