City of Cape Town launches new Energy Safety Team

26 May 2023 in Where We Govern

Today, 24 May 2023, the City of Cape Town launched its new Energy Safety Team to assist Law Enforcement agencies and the South African Police Service (SAPS) in protecting critical City electricity infrastructure in the metro. This Financial Year, the City allocated an additional budget to support law enforcement deployment, enhance security at key points and increase monitoring of critical electricity infrastructure. Read more below:             

The City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Energy Councillor Beverley van Reenen and Mayoral Committee Member for Safety and Security, Alderman JP Smith and other key role-players officially launched the new Energy Safety team in Lentegeur, Mitchells Plain.

‘The City’s new Energy Safety Team will greatly assist in protecting critical City electricity infrastructure in our communities. In recent months, we have seen an increase in vandalism, theft and illegal connections. Most alarmingly, we have seen an increase in the number of incidents taking place under the cover of darkness placing a large strain on our City energy teams and leaving communities in the dark for longer.

‘In the current Financial Year, we’ve also set aside an additional budget in our fight against vandalism and theft of energy infrastructure.

‘The launch of the City’s new Energy Safety team is a testament to our commitment to improving service delivery in communities and will assist in reducing the safety risks of officials while on duty. The Energy Safety team’s operating regime will further consist of patrolling red-zones in the metro. These are areas, which we have identified as hotspots for electricity infrastructure crimes. The City’s Electricity Department monitors the data on a monthly basis and we use that information to guide our resources towards clamping down on these incidents. We will also support the newly appointed officers with admin and technical support so they can effectively dispatch their duties.

‘While our committed team of officials across all levels in our City’s Energy Directorate continue to work tirelessly on prevention and mitigation solutions in partnership with the Safety and Security Directorate, we will not succeed without active community participation. We need residents to play their part by reporting illegal activity near infrastructure, including streetlights, to the City and the South African Police Service (SAPS). We need residents to engage with their Neighbourhood Watches, the City’s Law Enforcement officers, their ward councillors and the SAPS.

The City thanks the community and all key role players for their support. Our teams are ready for the task ahead of them and we look forward to seeing the results, especially in the hotspot regions,’ said the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Energy, Councillor Beverley van Reenen.

‘Concerns for our employee’s safety has often resulted in a delayed response to power failures across the metro. This dedicated team of law enforcement officers will be focused on keeping employees safe while they work on restoring our city’s power.

‘The Energy Unit will be integrated with other teams such as the Metal Theft Unit to ensure critical energy infrastructure is protected. The Energy Unit joins the City’s highly trained Law Enforcement Officers in their efforts to protect our residents and officials,’ said Mayoral Committee Member for Safety and Security, Alderman JP Smith.

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