DA Budget vote debate speeches 23 May 2023

Issued by DA Media –
23 May 2023 in Speeches

Please find below the Budget Vote Debate Speeches that will be delivered in parliament Today, 23 May 2023.


Budget Vote 23 and 26: Defence and Military Veterans

Kobus Marais MP- Speech 1

DA Shadow Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

084 448 3838


Maliyakhe Shelembe MP- Speech 2

DA Shadow Deputy Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

081 375 9461


Mike Bond MP- Speech 3

DA Member on the Portfolio Committee for Defence and Military Veterans

083 631 7963


Budget Vote 20: Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities

Nazley Sharif MP- Speech 1

DA Shadow Minister of Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities

079 875 4930


Nomsa Marchesi MP- Speech 2

DA Shadow Deputy Minister of Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities

082 824 0601