IMF Confirms South Africa’s standstill under the ANC

Issued by Dr Dion George MP – DA Shadow Minister of Finance
31 Jan 2024 in News

Note to editors: Please find attached soundbite by Dr Dion George MP

The Democratic Alliance (DA) notes the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF), downward revision of South Africa’s economic growth forecast, as outlined in its January 2024 Global Outlook Report. In the report the IMF adjusted its 2024 growth expectation for South Africa from 1.8% to 1%. At 3.1%, global growth is projected at more than 3 times estimated South African growth.

The revised projection falls below South Africa’s estimated population growth rate at 1.5%, and underscores the troubling consensus that under the current ANC led government, economic stagnation is set to persist, and the living standards of South Africans will continue to worsen.

The report highlights logistical constraints, especially within the transport sector, as a critical impediment to economic growth. Inefficiencies in the sector alone cost the country more than R1 billion daily. This is notwithstanding the hundreds of billions of Rands that is lost due to persistent load shedding, rampant crime, race-based procurement, and pervasive corruption. Once more the profound impact of the ANC government’s failure to address long-standing problems has been presented on an international platform.

The crisis of economic growth becomes more pronounced when placed within the regional geoeconomic landscape. Despite being heralded as the most industrialized nation in Africa, South Africa’s projected growth of 1% falls well short of the regional average of 3.8%. In fact, South Africa is identified as the primary weight on regional growth.

Throughout its decades long tenure, across multiple administrations, the ANC-led Government has on local and international platforms demonstrated its glaring incompetence and inability to effectively facilitate the South African economy. Its ongoing pursuit of forcing an incapable government to play a central role in our economy has obstructed the growth-promoting forces that foster a thriving economy.

The appropriate course of action for Government to address our underperforming economy would have been to enable a more flexible and responsive environment. Regrettably, as South Africa’s outlook continues to decline, the governing party has increasingly misplaced its role in the economy. In doing so it has effectively quashed any prospects for recovery.

In February the DA will introduce our Alternative Budget for 2024. For South Africa to achieve lasting prosperity it is imperative to implement comprehensive economic reforms that capitalise on the growth potential of a resource rich and diverse economy. Without any alterations in growth estimations, our Alternative proposal will present an adjusted expenditure framework that reconfigures Government spending in such a manner that our fiscal trajectory is redirected from a dead-end towards a more sustainable and prosperous future. It will present the immediate and medium-term fiscal interventions that are needed for our economy to grow and generate the jobs South Africans so desperately need.

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