South Africans living and traveling overseas can vote in the May 2024 election.
Overseas elections are held before the election in South Africa and will be on 17 and 18 May 2024, depending on which country you are in, and not on 29 May as it will be in South Africa.
We urge South Africans who will be traveling overseas during this election to please urgently complete the VEC10 form, and those South Africans living overseas who have not yet changed their voting station so that they do not miss out on casting their vote in this election and help to rescue South Africa. Click here for the online VEC10 form.
Currently, there are 58 000 South Africans registered overseas with an estimated 7 000 VEC10s already completed.
If they are not yet registered to vote at an overseas voting station, they can complete an online VEC10 form by 22 April 2024. There are only 6 days left until this window closes.
In related news, the DA won its court case for more voting stations overseas. We continue to apply pressure to the IEC to execute this as fast as possible and locations with substantial numbers of South Africa like Perth and Malta still don’t have voting stations. Keep an eye on the website for real-time updates.