From the Office of the Mayor

01 Sep 2017 in Where We Govern

Winter is drawing to a close and Spring almost upon us. The renewal and vibrant change that this season brings was something we had hoped would also be reflected in the work we are working to bring renewal to Modimolle-Mookgophong Local Municipality.


The political management team would have liked to have seen many more improvements than those we have already delivered, but unfortunately cannot do this on our own. We are reliant on a willing and dedicated administration to implement plans to make these changes a reality.


While most of our administrative team are certainly honest hard working people with the best interests of the community at heart, we are facing open defiance and hidden agenda’s from the Municipal Manager as well as those in Provincial Government circles that hamper and delay the service delivery we all need.


It is soul destroying to see how some people put their own petty self- interests and political ambitions above the needs of a community that has suffered enough under the previous administration. Service Delivery cannot happen in a vacuum and requires the will to implement the changes that will see our communities develop and grow.


I assure you that as Mayor I will do my utmost to remove these stumbling blocks to development and fill crucial positions with those whose first priority will always be the residents of Modimolle-Mookgopong.




While the levels of the Donkerpoort dam (Modimolle) and the Welgevonden dam (Mookgophong) are at 40% and 80% respectively, both are being monitored and regulated daily to ensure we do not waste our precious water supply.


Our hard working teams have addressed the recent electricity related maintenance problems that led to disruptions in the water supply.


We remind contractors to keep an eye on the CIBD and National Treasury websites as well as our own website for tenders that are being advertised.


Corruption will not be tolerated in our municipality as we strive to provide open, honest and transparent government. We remind residents that if anyone reports incidents of municipal officials or councillors with their hands in the cookie jar, we will investigate and take action against individuals where necessary.


We are committed to positive change and to making a difference in the lives of our residents in all our communities. Together we can overcome our challenges and ensure that the change that you voted for will happen in Modimolle-Mookgopong.