Mossel Bay municipality collaborates with PetroSA for Clinics in the ASLA community

02 Jul 2019 in Where We Govern

Following a need expressed by community members during an IDP meeting, Mossel Bay municipality collaborated with PetroSA to provide improved healthcare services to communities within the municipal area.

At the IDP meeting, residents pleaded for a clinic located closer to them. Executive mayor Harry Levendal then entered negotiations with PetroSA, with whom the municipality has a signed memorandum of understanding since 2007, to look at special projects. The entity then engaged with the Western Cape Department of Health and the municipality for their approval and acceptance of the Clinic in Asla.

After the negotiations, the municipality provided the land and PetroSA built a new clinic in the Asla area, this project cost R17 million, the entity went a step further by upgrading the Alma clinic’s dental unit which cost over R3 million and the extension of the D’Almeida clinic which cost more than R3.9 million.

Executive Mayor Harry Levendal at the official handover of the clinic