Safer roads for the south

22 Aug 2022 in Where We Govern

From 23 August 2022, the City’s Road Infrastructure Management Department, is set to commence with the installation of traffic calming measures in various areas in the south region.

The work entails the installation of speed humps, raised intersections and pedestrian crossings will be implemented in the following areas:

  • Ladies Mile in Bergvliet
  • Queen Victoria and Milner Roads in Claremont
  • Bergvliet Road and Firgrove Way in Meadowridge
  • Harvery, Lancaster, Leincester Roads in Wynberg.

The work will run concurrently and will take between one and ten days to complete.

‘Most of these installations are implemented around schools, meaning they will slow down traffic, thus, making it safer for more vulnerable road users such as children walking and riding to school, cyclists and pedestrians. They will also help boost livability of the areas and contribute toward making the city a safer place to live,’ said the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Urban Mobility, Councillor Rob Quintas.