On Thursday, I conducted an oversight visit to Provincial Treasury’s Procurement Client Centre (PCC) with the Standing Committee on Finance, Economic Opportunities and Tourism. Since its launch in May 2021, the PCC has assisted approximately 13 000 suppliers seeking to do business with government.
There is substantial demand from our private sector for help navigating the endless red tape that is often required by law to become government suppliers. The PCC is further making it easier for businesses through its interactive platforms which include the e-Procurement Solution, where suppliers can register their businesses on the Western Cape Supplier Evidence Bank (WCSEB) online.
It was great to see that since the launch of the PCC that there has been an increased uptake in businesses using these platforms which demonstrates greater adoption of digital platforms by SMMEs.
While the Western Cape Government is making it easier for companies to do business with the government, the PCC also works closely with the Provincial Department of Economic Development and Tourism to enhance these businesses’ exposure to the broader business community. It does so through business chambers to ensure that they are not solely dependent on the state to do business.
The PCC is a one-stop shop where private businesses are assisted in getting the administrative and legislative requirements necessary to become a supplier to local, Provincial and National governments. It aims to ensure SMMEs do not miss out on valuable government contracts because of onerous red tape.
This includes help with registering businesses on the WCSEB as well as National Treasury’s Central Supplier Database (CSD), which are prerequisites in being considered for any government contract.
The DA-led Provincial Government is leveraging their purchasing power of the support the growth of SMMEs in our province so that they can ultimately support more jobs. It is just another way the DA in the Western Cape is focused on enabling our entrepreneurs and local businesses, rather than acting as a barrier to growth.