This is the Cape Agulhas Local Municipality’s first term under DA governance. There are many plans in place to upgrade the community, such as the new Multi-Purpose Community Centre that will serve local organisations such as the Neighbourhood Watch and will provide a safe location to gather as a community.
This DA-led municipality is working hard to improve service delivery with good governance, public ownership and partnerships. We want all Cape Agulhas residents to live in an environment that is safe and offers opportunities for all.
The Municipality hosted a Lego training project for 135 teachers, equipping them with what they need to help our children get ahead at school from a young age.
A multi-purpose community centre is opening thanks to a donation. It will give organisations like the Neighbourhood Watch a space to gather and organise.
“We are proud of our municipality so we put a lot of effort into keeping it clean and safe (with new street lights for example).”
“For thirty years I have been waiting for a bathroom. I couldn’t believe it when the ward 2 councillor told me a bathroom would be built soon.”– Jan Karelse, Volstruiskamp